The YouVersion.com Android application allows you to easily search for, bookmark and access any passage in the Bible! Choose one of many translations including NIV, ESV, KJV, NLT, GW, NKJV, AMP, NASB, CEV, NET, WEB, NCV, TNIV, HCSB, MSG, BG1940, CSBKR, ELB, DELUT, ASV, LBLA, LSG, CUVS, CUV, SV1750, NORSK, KORVB, JA1955
Bible est développé pour Android par LifeChurch.tv
Nom du package : com.sirma.mobile.bible.android
There is no doubt using this application would be fun. Imagine spending time to make yourself sounding funnier and more mimic like any of your favourite cartoon character or movie actor and then make it listen to your teammates. That’s definitely something crazy and funny. It’s totally as per your imagination to which extend you can take yourself to. Read More......